OrbbecSDK 2.2.8
OrbbecSDK: Software-Development-Kit for Orbbec 3D Cameras
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAccelFrameDefine the AccelFrame class, which inherits from the Frame class
 CAccelStreamProfileClass representing an accelerometer stream profile
 CAlignAlign for depth to other or other to depth
 CCameraParamListClass representing a list of camera parameters
 CColorFrameDefine the ColorFrame class, which inherits from the VideoFrame classd
 CConfigConfig class for configuring pipeline parameters
 CDecimationFilterDecimation filter, reducing complexity by subsampling depth maps and losing depth details
 CDepthFrameDefine the DepthFrame class, which inherits from the VideoFrame class
 CDeviceFrameInterleaveListClass representing a list of device Frame Interleave
 CDeviceInfoA class describing device information, representing the name, id, serial number and other basic information of an RGBD camera
 CDeviceListClass representing a list of devices
 CDevicePresetListClass representing a list of device presets
 CDisparityTransformDepth to disparity or disparity to depth
 CFilterBase class for all filters in the SDK
 CFilterFactoryA factory class for creating filters
 CFormatConvertFilterSubclass of Filter that performs format conversion
 CFrameDefine the frame class, which is the base class of all frame types
 CFrameFactoryFrameFactory class, which provides some static functions to create frame objects
 CFrameHelperFrameHepler class, which provides some static functions to set timestamp for frame objects FrameHepler inherited from the FrameFactory and the timestamp interface implement here both for compatibility purposes
 CFrameSetDefine the FrameSet class, which inherits from the Frame class
 CGyroFrameDefine the GyroFrame class, which inherits from the Frame class
 CGyroStreamProfileClass representing a gyroscope stream profile
 CHdrMergeHdrMerge processing block, the processing merges between depth frames with different sub-preset sequence ids
 CHoleFillingFilterHole filling filter,the processing performed depends on the selected hole filling mode
 CIRFrameDefine the IRFrame class, which inherits from the VideoFrame class
 CNoiseRemovalFilterThe noise removal filter,removing scattering depth pixels
 CPointCloudFilterSubclass of Filter that generates point clouds
 CPointsFrameDefine the PointsFrame class, which inherits from the Frame class
 CRangeTraitsGet the type of a PropertyRange member
 CRangeTraits< OBFloatPropertyRange >
 CRangeTraits< OBIntPropertyRange >
 CRangeTraits< OBUint16PropertyRange >
 CRangeTraits< OBUint8PropertyRange >
 CSequenceIdFilterCreate SequenceIdFilter processing block
 CSpatialAdvancedFilterSpatial advanced filte smooths the image by calculating frame with alpha and delta settings alpha defines the weight of the current pixel for smoothing, delta defines the depth gradient below which the smoothing will occur as number of depth levels
 CTemporalFilterTemporal filter
 CThresholdFilterCreates depth Thresholding filter By controlling min and max options on the block
 CVideoFrameDefine the VideoFrame class, which inherits from the Frame class
 CVideoStreamProfileClass representing a video stream profile
 CAE_ROIThe rect of the region of interest
 CBASELINE_CALIBRATION_PARAMBaseline calibration parameters
 CHDR_CONFIGHDR Configuration
 Cob_device_timestamp_reset_configThe timestamp reset configuration of the device
 Cob_errorThe error class exposed by the SDK, users can get detailed error information according to the error
 Cob_margin_filter_configConfiguration for depth margin filter
 Cob_multi_device_sync_configThe synchronization configuration of the device
 COBAccelIntrinsicStructure for accelerometer intrinsic parameters
 COBAccelValueData structures for accelerometers and gyroscopes
 COBBoolPropertyRangeStructure for boolean range
 COBCalibrationParamCalibration parameters
 COBCameraDistortionStructure for distortion parameters
 COBCameraIntrinsicStructure for camera intrinsic parameters
 COBCameraParamStructure for camera parameters
 COBColorPoint3D point structure with color information
 COBD2CTransformStructure for rotation/transformation
 COBDataChunkStructure for transmitting data blocks
 COBDepthWorkModeDepth work mode
 COBDeviceSerialNumberStruct of serial number
 COBDeviceSyncConfigDevice synchronization configuration
 COBDeviceTemperatureTemperature parameters of the device (unit: Celsius)
 COBDisparityParamDisparity parameters for disparity based camera
 COBDispOffsetConfigDisparity offset interleaving configuration
 COBFilterConfigSchemaItemConfiguration Item for the filter
 COBFloatPropertyRangeStructure for float range
 COBGyroIntrinsicStructure for gyroscope intrinsic parameters
 COBIntPropertyRangeStructure for integer range
 COBMGCFilterConfigConfiguration for mgc filter
 COBNetIpConfigIP address configuration for network devices (IPv4)
 COBPoint3D point structure in the SDK
 COBPoint2f2D point structure in the SDK
 COBPropertyItemUsed to describe the characteristics of each property
 COBProtocolVersionControl command protocol version number
 COBSequenceIdItemSequenceId fliter list item
 COBTofExposureThresholdControlTOF Exposure Threshold
 COBUint16PropertyRangeStructure for float range
 COBUint8PropertyRangeStructure for float range