OrbbecSDK 2.2.8
OrbbecSDK: Software-Development-Kit for Orbbec 3D Cameras
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Context.hContext is a management class that describes the runtime of the SDK and is responsible for resource allocation and release of the SDK. Context has the ability to manage multiple devices. It is responsible for enumerating devices, monitoring device callbacks, and enabling multi-device synchronization
 Device.hDevice-related functions, including operations such as obtaining and creating a device, setting and obtaining device property, and obtaining sensors
 Error.hFunctions for handling errors, mainly used for obtaining error messages
 Filter.hThe processing unit of the SDK can perform point cloud generation, format conversion and other functions
 Frame.hFrame related function is mainly used to obtain frame data and frame information
 MultipleDevices.hThis file contains the multiple devices related API witch is used to control the synchronization between multiple devices and the synchronization between different sensor within single device
 ObTypes.hProvide structs commonly used in the SDK, enumerating constant definitions
 Pipeline.hThe SDK's advanced API can quickly implement functions such as switching streaming, frame synchronization, software filtering, etc., suitable for applications, and the algorithm focuses on rgbd data stream scenarios. If you are on real-time or need to handle synchronization separately, align the scene. Please use the interface of Device's Lower API
 Property.hControl command property list maintenance
 Sensor.hDefines types related to sensors, used for obtaining stream configurations, opening and closing streams, and setting and getting sensor properties
 StreamProfile.hThe stream profile related type is used to get information such as the width, height, frame rate, and format of the stream
 Version.hFunctions for retrieving the SDK version number information
 Context.hppThe SDK context class, which serves as the entry point to the underlying SDK. It is used to query device lists, handle device callbacks, and set the log level
 Device.hppDevice related types, including operations such as getting and creating a device, setting and obtaining device attributes, and obtaining sensors
 Error.hppThis file defines the Error class, which describes abnormal errors within the SDK. Detailed information about the exception can be obtained through this class
 Filter.hppThis file contains the Filter class, which is the processing unit of the SDK that can perform point cloud generation, format conversion, and other functions
 Frame.hppFrame related type, which is mainly used to obtain frame data and frame information
 Pipeline.hppThe SDK's advanced API type can quickly implement switching streaming and frame synchronization operations
 Sensor.hppDefines types related to sensors, which are used to obtain stream configurations, open and close streams, and set and get sensor properties
 StreamProfile.hppThe stream profile related type is used to get information such as the width, height, frame rate, and format of the stream
 Utils.hppThe SDK utils class
 Version.hppProvides functions to retrieve version information of the SDK
 ObSensor.hThis file serves as the C entrance for the OrbbecSDK library. It includes all necessary header files for OrbbecSDK usage
 ObSensor.hppThis is the main entry point for the OrbbecSDK C++ library. It includes all necessary header files for using the library