4.1. Obtain Data Stream

  • Contents:

    • 3.1.1 Stream profile

    • 3.1.2 Video Stream acquisition

    • 3.1.3 Imu data acquisition

    • 3.1.4 Point Cloud:

      • Depth Point Cloud

      • RGBD Point Cloud

4.1.1. Stream Profile

Method 1: obtain stream profile by resolution, frame format, and frame rate

from pyorbbecsdk import *
pipeline = Pipeline()
# Obtain color profile through resolution, frame format and frame rate. A resolution width and height of 0 indicates wildcard characters
color_profile_list = pipeline.get_stream_profile_list(OBSensorType.COLOR_SENSOR)
color_profile= color_profile_list.get_video_stream_profile(640, 0, OBFormat.RGB, 30)

# Get depth profile through resolution, frame format and frame rate, resolution width and height are 0 to indicate wildcard characters
depth_profile_list = pipeline.get_stream_profile_list(OBSensorType.DEPTH_SENSOR)
depth_profile = depth_profile_list.get_video_stream_profile(640, 0, OBFormat.Y16, 30)

Method 2: Obtain the default stream profile

  from pyorbbecsdk import *
  pipeline = Pipeline()
  depth_profile_list = 
  # Obtain the default depth profile. The default resolution can be configured by using the OrbbecSDKConfig_v1.0.xml
  depth_profile = depth_profile_list.get_default_video_stream_profile()

Method 3: Obtain stream profile through video frames

  from pyorbbecsdk import *
  pipeline = Pipeline()
  frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames(100)
  depth_frame = frames.get_depth_frame()
  depth_frame = depth_frame.as_video_frame()
  #Get depth profile
  depth_profile = depth_frame.get_stream_profile()

4.1.2. Obtain Video Stream

This section describes how to obtain IR video frame data. The methods for retrieving Depth and Color frame data are similar.

# 1. Create Config and Pipeline objects
config = Config()
pipeline = Pipeline()

# Get IR profile
profile_list = pipeline.get_stream_profile_list(OBSensorType.IR_SENSOR)
ir_profile = profile_list.get_video_stream_profile(640, 0, OBFormat.Y16, 30)

# Enable IR stream

# Wait for a frame of data
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames(100)
ir_frame = frames.get_ir_frame()

The Gemini 330 series supports left IR and right IR sensors, with the IR sensor types being OBSensorType.LEFT_IR_SENSOR and OBSensorType.RIGHT_IR_SENSOR, respectively. The depth sensor type is OBSensorType.DEPTH_SENSOR, and the color sensor type is OBSensorType.COLOR_SENSOR

4.1.3. Obtain IMU Data

For imu data, refer to imu_reader.py

from pyorbbecsdk import *
config = Config()
pipeline = Pipeline()
#enable accel 
#enable gyro
#set pipeline to output both accel and gyro data simultaneously
#start imu 
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames(100)
#get accel frame 
accel_frame = frames.get_frame(OBFrameType.ACCEL_FRAME)
accel_frame = accel_frame.as_accel_frame()
#get gyro frame 
gyro_frame = frames.get_frame(OBFrameType.GYRO_FRAME)
gyro_frame = gyro_frame.as_gyro_frame()

4.1.4. Point Cloud Depth Point Cloud

from pyorbbecsdk import *
pipeline = Pipeline()
config = Config()
depth_profile_list = pipeline.get_stream_profile_list(OBSensorType.DEPTH_SENSOR)
depth_profile = depth_profile_list.get_default_video_stream_profile()
# Start the stream
# Create point cloud filter
point_cloud_filter = PointCloudFilter()
# Capture one frame of data
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames(100)
# Get Depth frame
depth_frame = frames.get_depth_frame()
# Apply the point cloud filter
point_cloud_frame = point_cloud_filter.process(depth_frame)
points = point_cloud_filter.calculate(point_cloud_frame)
# Save point cloud data
points_array = np.array([p[:3] for p in points])  # XYZ points
save_points_to_ply(points_array, None, os.path.join(save_points_dir, "point_cloud.ply")) RGBD Point Cloud

Please refer to Sample save_point_cloud.py

from pyorbbecsdk import *
pipeline = Pipeline()
config = Config()
# Enable frame synchronization
# Start the stream
# Create alignment filter
align_filter = AlignFilter(align_to_stream=OBStreamType.COLOR_STREAM)
# Create point cloud filter
point_cloud_filter = PointCloudFilter()
# Capture one frame of data
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames(100)
# Get Depth and Color frames
depth_frame = frames.get_depth_frame()
color_frame = frames.get_color_frame()
# Apply the alignment filter
frame = align_filter.process(frames)
# Apply the point cloud filter
point_cloud_frame = point_cloud_filter.process(frame)
points = point_cloud_filter.calculate(point_cloud_frame)