3.1. Build your First Camera Application
0.basic.quick_start show how to use the SDK to capture video streams with minimal code.
The data flow diagram for quick start sample is as follows:
// Create a pipeline to start the stream.
Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
// Create configuration files for color and depth streams. 0 is the default configuration.
StreamProfile colorProfile = pipeline.GetStreamProfileList(SensorType.OB_SENSOR_COLOR).GetVideoStreamProfile(0, 0, Format.OB_FORMAT_RGB, 0);
StreamProfile depthProfile = pipeline.GetStreamProfileList(SensorType.OB_SENSOR_DEPTH).GetVideoStreamProfile(0, 0, Format.OB_FORMAT_Y16, 0);
// Enable color and depth streams for the pipeline by creating a configuration.
Config config = new Config();
// Start the pipeline with config.
// Initialize the rendering window through the stream profile.
SetupWindow(colorProfile, depthProfile, out updateColor, out updateDepth);
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
while (!tokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
// Wait for up to 100ms for a frameset in blocking mode.
using (var frames = pipeline.WaitForFrames(100))
// get color and depth frame from frameset.
var colorFrame = frames?.GetColorFrame();
var depthFrame = frames?.GetDepthFrame();
// Render colorFrame.
if (colorFrame != null)
Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, updateColor, colorFrame);
// Render depthFrame.
if (depthFrame != null)
Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Render, updateDepth, depthFrame);