1.1. Introduction

This C# wrapper serves as an interface for the Orbbec SDK, offering a streamlined and user-friendly access point to the Orbbec camera functionality. It enables essential operations including the capture of depth and color images, as well as the generation of point clouds.

Regarding the versioning of the C# wrapper, the ‘v2-main’ branch corresponds to the open source Orbbec SDK v2, whereas the ‘main’ branch C# wrapper corresponds to the close source Orbbec SDK v1.

  • Obtain Depth, IR, and Color data streams.

  • Obtain IMU data streams.

  • Hardware D2C, Software D2C, and Software C2D.

  • Obtain Depth point cloud and RGBD point cloud.

  • Obtain multiple devices data .

  • Coordinate transformations between different coordinate systems.

  • Post-processing filters and HDR merge functionality (supported by the Gemini 330 series).

  • Presets (supported by Gemini 330 series).

  • Update Firmware.