3.2. Obtain Data Stream

  • 3.2.1 Stream profile

  • 3.2.2 Obtain Video Stream

  • 3.2.3 Obtain IMU Data

  • 3.2.4 Point Cloud:

    • Depth Point Cloud

    • RGBD Point Cloud

3.2.1. Stream Profile

Method 1: obtain stream profile by resolution, frame format, and frame rate

Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
// Obtain color profile through resolution, frame format and frame rate. A resolution width and height of 0 indicates wildcard characters
StreamProfile colorProfile = pipeline.GetStreamProfileList(SensorType.OB_SENSOR_COLOR).GetVideoStreamProfile(0, 0, Format.OB_FORMAT_RGB, 0);
// Get depth profile through resolution, frame format and frame rate, resolution width and height are 0 to indicate wildcard characters
StreamProfile depthProfile = pipeline.GetStreamProfileList(SensorType.OB_SENSOR_DEPTH).GetVideoStreamProfile(0, 0, Format.OB_FORMAT_Y16, 0);

Method 2: Obtain stream profile through video frames

var frames = pipeline.WaitForFrames(100);
var colorFrame = frames?.GetColorFrame();
// Get color profile
var colorSp = colorFrame.GetStreamProfile();

3.2.2. Obtain Video Stream

This section describes how to obtain color video frame data. The method of retrieving deep frame data is similar.

// 1. Create Config and Pipeline objects
Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
Config config = new Config();

// 2. Get Color profile
StreamProfile colorProfile = pipeline.GetStreamProfileList(SensorType.OB_SENSOR_COLOR).GetVideoStreamProfile(0, 0, Format.OB_FORMAT_RGB, 0);

// 3. Enable Color stream

// 4. Wait for a frame of data
var frames = pipeline.WaitForFrames(100);
var colorFrame = frames?.GetColorFrame();

This section describes how to obtain ir video frame data.

// 1. Create Config and Pipeline objects
Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
Config config = new Config();

// 2. Retrieve sensor list through device object
Device device = pipeline.GetDevice();
SensorList sensorList = device.GetSensorList();

// 3. Traverse the IR streams supported by the enabled device
for (uint i = 0, N = sensorList.SensorCount(); i < N; i++)
  SensorType sensorType = sensorList.SensorType(i);
  if (sensorType == SensorType.OB_SENSOR_IR ||
      sensorType == SensorType.OB_SENSOR_IR_LEFT ||
      sensorType == SensorType.OB_SENSOR_IR_RIGHT)
    config.EnableVideoStream(sensorType, 0, 0, 30, Format.OB_FORMAT_Y8);

// 4. Wait for a frame of data
var frames = pipeline.WaitForFrames(100);
var irFrame = frames?.GetIRFrame();
var irLeftFrame = frames?.GetFrame(FrameType.OB_FRAME_IR_LEFT)?.As<VideoFrame>();
var irRightFrame = frames?.GetFrame(FrameType.OB_FRAME_IR_RIGHT)?.As<VideoFrame>();

The Gemini 330 series supports left IR and right IR sensors, with the IR sensor types being OBSensorType.LEFT_IR_SENSOR and OBSensorType.RIGHT_IR_SENSOR, respectively. The depth sensor type is OBSensorType.DEPTH_SENSOR, and the color sensor type is OBSensorType.COLOR_SENSOR

3.2.3. Obtain IMU Data

Please refer to Sample 1.stream.imu.

Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
Device device = pipeline.GetDevice();
// Set frame callback function
frameCallback = OnFrame;
// enable accel and gyro
Sensor accelSensor = device.GetSensor(SensorType.OB_SENSOR_ACCEL);
using (StreamProfileList accelProfileList = accelSensor.GetStreamProfileList()) 
  using (StreamProfile accelProfile = accelProfileList.GetProfile(0)) 
    accelSensor.Start(accelProfile, frameCallback);
Sensor gyroSensor = device.GetSensor(SensorType.OB_SENSOR_GYRO);
using (StreamProfileList gyroProfileList = gyroSensor.GetStreamProfileList()) 
  using (StreamProfile gyroProfile = gyroProfileList.GetProfile(0))
    gyroSensor.Start(gyroProfile, frameCallback);
// Obtain accel and gyro frames through frame callback function
var accelFrame = frame.As<AccelFrame>();
var gyroFrame = frame.As<GyroFrame>();

3.2.4. Point Cloud Depth Point Cloud

Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
Config config = new Config();
config.EnableVideoStream(StreamType.OB_STREAM_DEPTH, 0, 0, 0, Format.OB_FORMAT_Y16);
// Start the stream
// Create point cloud filter
PointCloudFilter pointCloud = new PointCloudFilter();
// Set point cloud format
// Capture one frame of data
var frames = pipeline.WaitForFrames(100);
// Get Depth frame
var depthFrame = frames?.GetDepthFrame();
// Apply the point cloud filter
Frame frame = pointCloud.Process(depthFrame);
PointsFrame pointsFrame = frame.As<PointsFrame>();
// Save point cloud data
if (pointsFrame.GetFormat() == Format.OB_FORMAT_POINT)
  SavePointsToPly(pointsFrame, "DepthPoints.ply");
} RGBD Point Cloud

Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline();
Config config = new Config();
config.EnableVideoStream(StreamType.OB_STREAM_DEPTH, 0, 0, 0, Format.OB_FORMAT_Y16);
config.EnableVideoStream(StreamType.OB_STREAM_COLOR, 0, 0, 0, Format.OB_FORMAT_RGB);      config.SetFrameAggregateOutputMode(FrameAggregateOutputMode.OB_FRAME_AGGREGATE_OUTPUT_ALL_TYPE_FRAME_REQUIRE);
// Enable frame synchronization
// Start the stream
// Create point cloud and align filters
PointCloudFilter pointCloud = new PointCloudFilter();
AlignFilter align = new AlignFilter(StreamType.OB_STREAM_COLOR);
// Set point cloud format
// Capture one frame of data
var frames = pipeline.WaitForFrames(100);
// Apply the alignment filter
Frame alignedFrameset = align.Process(frames);
// Apply the point cloud filter
Frame frame = pointCloud.Process(alignedFrameset);
PointsFrame pointsFrame = frame.As<PointsFrame>();
// Save point cloud data
if (pointsFrame.GetFormat() == Format.OB_FORMAT_RGB_POINT)
  SavePointsToPly(pointsFrame, "RGBPoints.ply");