18struct CameraParamListImpl;
26class OBDepthWorkModeList;
27class DevicePresetList;
31 std::unique_ptr<DeviceImpl>
39 Device(std::unique_ptr<DeviceImpl> impl);
143 void writeAHB(uint32_t reg, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value);
152 void readAHB(uint32_t reg, uint32_t mask, uint32_t *value);
162 void writeI2C(uint32_t moduleId, uint32_t reg, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value);
172 void readI2C(uint32_t moduleId, uint32_t reg, uint32_t mask, uint32_t *value);
183 void writeFlash(uint32_t offset, const
void *data, uint32_t dataSize,
SetDataCallback callback,
bool async = false);
193 void readFlash(uint32_t offset, uint32_t dataSize,
GetDataCallback callback,
bool async = false);
201 void writeCustomerData(const
void *data, uint32_t dataSize);
209 void readCustomerData(
void *data, uint32_t *dataSize);
238 void setStructuredData(
OBPropertyID propertyId, const
void *data, uint32_t dataSize);
247 void getStructuredData(
OBPropertyID propertyId,
void *data, uint32_t *dataSize);
286 uint32_t getSupportedPropertyCount();
310 bool isGlobalTimestampSupported();
330 void deviceUpgradeFromData(const
char *fileData, uint32_t fileSize,
DeviceUpgradeCallback callback,
bool async = true);
340 void sendFile(const
char *filePath, const
char *dstPath,
SendFileCallback callback,
bool async = true);
362 bool activateAuthorization(const
char *authCode);
368 void writeAuthorizationCode(const
char *authCodeStr);
400 OBStatus switchDepthWorkMode(const
char *modeName);
423 void reboot(uint32_t delayMs);
471 uint16_t getSupportedMultiDeviceSyncModeBitmap();
498 void triggerCapture();
523 void timestampReset();
528#define timerReset timestampReset
642 std::unique_ptr<DeviceInfoImpl> impl_;
681 const
char *serialNumber();
688 const
char *firmwareVersion();
703 const
char *connectionType();
712 const
char *ipAddress();
719 const
char *hardwareVersion();
726 const
char *supportedMinSdkVersion();
733 const
char *extensionInfo();
740 const
char *asicName();
759 std::unique_ptr<DeviceListImpl> impl_;
770 uint32_t deviceCount();
786 int pid(uint32_t index);
794 int vid(uint32_t index);
802 const
char *uid(uint32_t index);
810 const
char *serialNumber(uint32_t index);
818 const
char *connectionType(uint32_t index);
828 const
char *ipAddress(uint32_t index);
838 std::shared_ptr<
Device> getDevice(uint32_t index);
848 std::shared_ptr<
Device> getDeviceBySN(const
char *serialNumber);
861 std::shared_ptr<
Device> getDeviceByUid(const
char *uid);
869 std::unique_ptr<CameraParamListImpl> impl_;
896 std::unique_ptr<OBDepthWorkModeListImpl> impl_;
940 std::unique_ptr<DevicePresetListImpl> impl_;
959 const
char *getName(uint32_t index);
966 bool hasPreset(const
char *name);
This file contains the Filter class, which is the processing unit of the SDK that can perform point c...
Enumeration value describing the sensor type.
uint64_t OBDeviceState
Device state.
Enumeration for device types.
the permission type of api or property
enum OB_CMD_VERSION OBCmdVersion
Control command property list maintenance.
Enumeration value describing all attribute control commands of the device.
Provides SDK structure and enumeration constant definitions (depending on libobsensor/h/ObTypes....
std::function< void(OBDeviceState state, const char *message)> DeviceStateChangedCallback
Callback function for device status updates.
std::function< void(OBDataTranState state, uint8_t percent)> SetDataCallback
Callback function for setting the raw data property when progress callbacks are made.
std::function< void(OBUpgradeState state, const char *message, uint8_t percent)> DeviceUpgradeCallback
Callback function for device upgrade status updates.
std::function< void(OBDataTranState state, OBDataChunk *dataChunk)> GetDataCallback
Callback function for getting raw data property data when data and progress callbacks are made.
std::function< void(OBFileTranState state, const char *message, uint8_t percent)> SendFileCallback
Callback function for file transfer status updates.
Class representing a list of camera parameters.
~CameraParamList() noexcept
CameraParamList(std::unique_ptr< CameraParamListImpl > impl)
A class describing device information, representing the name, id, serial number and other basic infor...
DeviceInfo(std::unique_ptr< DeviceInfoImpl > impl)
virtual ~DeviceInfo() noexcept
Class representing a list of devices.
DeviceList(std::unique_ptr< DeviceListImpl > impl)
Class representing a list of device presets @breif A device preset is a set of parameters or configur...
DevicePresetList(std::unique_ptr< DevicePresetListImpl > impl)
~DevicePresetList() noexcept
void timerSyncWithHost()
synchronize the timer of the device with the host.
void loadPresetFromJsonData(const char *presetName, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size)
Load custom preset from data.
void exportSettingsAsPresetJsonFile(const char *filePath)
Export current device settings as a preset json file.
Device(std::unique_ptr< DeviceImpl > impl)
Describe the entity of the RGBD camera, representing a specific model of RGBD camera.
void resetDefaultDepthFilterConfig()
Reset depth filter config to device default define.
const char * getCurrentPresetName()
Get current preset name.
const char * getCurrentDepthModeName()
Get current depth mode name.
void loadPresetFromJsonFile(const char *filePath)
Load custom preset from file.
void loadPreset(const char *presetName)
load the preset according to the preset name.
virtual ~Device() noexcept
void exportSettingsAsPresetJsonData(const char *presetName, const uint8_t **data, uint32_t *dataSize)
Export current device settings as a preset json data.
void loadDepthFilterConfig(const char *filePath)
Load depth filter config from file.
std::shared_ptr< DevicePresetList > getAvailablePresetList()
Get available preset list.
std::unique_ptr< DeviceImpl > impl_
Class representing a list of OBDepthWorkMode.
uint32_t count()
Get the number of OBDepthWorkMode objects in the list.
const char * getName(uint32_t index)
Get the name of the depth work mode at the specified index.
OBDepthWorkModeList(std::unique_ptr< OBDepthWorkModeListImpl > impl_)
OBDepthWorkMode getOBDepthWorkMode(uint32_t index)
Get the OBDepthWorkMode object at the specified index.
OBDepthWorkMode operator[](uint32_t index)
Get the OBDepthWorkMode object at the specified index.
Structure for boolean range.
Structure for camera parameters.
Internal API for future publication.
Device synchronization configuration.
Structure for float range.
Structure for integer range.
Used to describe the characteristics of each property.
Control command protocol version number.
The timestamp reset configuration of the device.
The synchronization configuration of the device.