106#define ob_device_timer_reset ob_device_timestamp_reset
Device-related functions, including operations such as obtaining and creating a device,...
void ob_device_set_multi_device_sync_config(ob_device *device, const ob_multi_device_sync_config *config, ob_error **error)
set the multi device sync configuration of the device.
void ob_device_set_timestamp_reset_config(ob_device *device, const ob_device_timestamp_reset_config *config, ob_error **error)
set the timestamp reset configuration of the device.
ob_device_timestamp_reset_config ob_device_get_timestamp_reset_config(ob_device *device, ob_error **error)
get the timestamp reset configuration of the device.
void ob_device_timer_sync_with_host(ob_device *device, ob_error **error)
synchronize the timer of the device with the host.
ob_multi_device_sync_config ob_device_get_multi_device_sync_config(ob_device *device, ob_error **error)
get the multi device sync configuration of the device.
void ob_device_trigger_capture(ob_device *device, ob_error **error)
send the capture command to the device.
void ob_device_timestamp_reset(ob_device *device, ob_error **error)
send the timestamp reset command to the device.
uint16_t ob_device_get_supported_multi_device_sync_mode_bitmap(ob_device *device, ob_error **error)
Get the supported multi device sync mode bitmap of the device.
Provide structs commonly used in the SDK, enumerating constant definitions.
struct DeviceImpl ob_device
The timestamp reset configuration of the device.
The error class exposed by the SDK, users can get detailed error information according to the error.
The synchronization configuration of the device.