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OrbbecSDK 1.10.18
OrbbecSDK: Software-Development-Kit for Orbbec 3D Cameras
This is the complete list of members for ob::Device, including all inherited members.
activateAuthorization(const char *authCode) | ob::Device | |
CoordinateTransformHelper | ob::Device | friend |
Device(Device &&device) | ob::Device | protected |
Device(std::unique_ptr< DeviceImpl > impl) | ob::Device | |
deviceUpgrade(const char *filePath, DeviceUpgradeCallback callback, bool async=true) | ob::Device | |
deviceUpgradeFromData(const char *fileData, uint32_t fileSize, DeviceUpgradeCallback callback, bool async=true) | ob::Device | |
exportSettingsAsPresetJsonData(const char *presetName, const uint8_t **data, uint32_t *dataSize) | ob::Device | |
exportSettingsAsPresetJsonFile(const char *filePath) | ob::Device | |
getAvailablePresetList() | ob::Device | |
getBoolProperty(OBPropertyID propertyId) | ob::Device | |
getBoolPropertyRange(OBPropertyID propertyId) | ob::Device | |
getCalibrationCameraParamList() | ob::Device | |
getCmdVersion(OBPropertyID propertyId) | ob::Device | |
getCurrentDepthModeName() | ob::Device | |
getCurrentDepthWorkMode() | ob::Device | |
getCurrentPresetName() | ob::Device | |
getDepthWorkModeList() | ob::Device | |
getDeviceInfo() | ob::Device | |
getDeviceState() | ob::Device | |
getFloatProperty(OBPropertyID propertyId) | ob::Device | |
getFloatPropertyRange(OBPropertyID propertyId) | ob::Device | |
getIntProperty(OBPropertyID propertyId) | ob::Device | |
getIntPropertyRange(OBPropertyID propertyId) | ob::Device | |
getMultiDeviceSyncConfig() | ob::Device | |
getProtocolVersion() | ob::Device | |
getRawData(OBPropertyID propertyId, GetDataCallback callback, bool async=false) | ob::Device | |
getSensor(OBSensorType type) | ob::Device | |
getSensorList() | ob::Device | |
getStructuredData(OBPropertyID propertyId, void *data, uint32_t *dataSize) | ob::Device | |
getStructuredDataExt(OBPropertyID propertyId) | ob::Device | |
getSupportedMultiDeviceSyncModeBitmap() | ob::Device | |
getSupportedProperty(uint32_t index) | ob::Device | |
getSupportedPropertyCount() | ob::Device | |
getSyncConfig() | ob::Device | |
getTimestampResetConfig() | ob::Device | |
impl_ | ob::Device | protected |
isGlobalTimestampSupported() | ob::Device | |
isPropertySupported(OBPropertyID propertyId, OBPermissionType permission) | ob::Device | |
loadDepthFilterConfig(const char *filePath) | ob::Device | |
loadPreset(const char *presetName) | ob::Device | |
loadPresetFromJsonData(const char *presetName, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) | ob::Device | |
loadPresetFromJsonFile(const char *filePath) | ob::Device | |
Pipeline | ob::Device | friend |
readAHB(uint32_t reg, uint32_t mask, uint32_t *value) | ob::Device | |
readCustomerData(void *data, uint32_t *dataSize) | ob::Device | |
readFlash(uint32_t offset, uint32_t dataSize, GetDataCallback callback, bool async=false) | ob::Device | |
readI2C(uint32_t moduleId, uint32_t reg, uint32_t mask, uint32_t *value) | ob::Device | |
reboot() | ob::Device | |
reboot(uint32_t delayMs) | ob::Device | |
Recorder | ob::Device | friend |
resetDefaultDepthFilterConfig() | ob::Device | |
sendFile(const char *filePath, const char *dstPath, SendFileCallback callback, bool async=true) | ob::Device | |
setBoolProperty(OBPropertyID propertyId, bool property) | ob::Device | |
setDeviceStateChangedCallback(DeviceStateChangedCallback callback) | ob::Device | |
setFloatProperty(OBPropertyID propertyId, float property) | ob::Device | |
setIntProperty(OBPropertyID propertyId, int32_t property) | ob::Device | |
setMultiDeviceSyncConfig(const OBMultiDeviceSyncConfig &config) | ob::Device | |
setRawData(OBPropertyID propertyId, const void *data, uint32_t dataSize, SetDataCallback callback, bool async=false) | ob::Device | |
setStructuredData(OBPropertyID propertyId, const void *data, uint32_t dataSize) | ob::Device | |
setStructuredDataExt(OBPropertyID propertyId, std::shared_ptr< OBDataBundle > dataBundle, SetDataCallback callback) | ob::Device | |
setSyncConfig(const OBDeviceSyncConfig &deviceSyncConfig) | ob::Device | |
setTimestampResetConfig(const OBDeviceTimestampResetConfig &config) | ob::Device | |
switchDepthWorkMode(const OBDepthWorkMode &workMode) | ob::Device | |
switchDepthWorkMode(const char *modeName) | ob::Device | |
syncDeviceTime() | ob::Device | |
timerSyncWithHost() | ob::Device | |
timestampReset() | ob::Device | |
triggerCapture() | ob::Device | |
writeAHB(uint32_t reg, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value) | ob::Device | |
writeAuthorizationCode(const char *authCodeStr) | ob::Device | |
writeCustomerData(const void *data, uint32_t dataSize) | ob::Device | |
writeFlash(uint32_t offset, const void *data, uint32_t dataSize, SetDataCallback callback, bool async=false) | ob::Device | |
writeI2C(uint32_t moduleId, uint32_t reg, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value) | ob::Device | |
~Device() noexcept | ob::Device | virtual |