123#define ob_video_frame_metadata ob_frame_metadata
133#define ob_video_frame_metadata_size ob_frame_metadata_size
uint32_t ob_video_frame_width(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get video frame width.
ob_frame * ob_frameset_depth_frame(ob_frame *frameset, ob_error **error)
Get the depth frame from the frameset.
ob_frame * ob_create_frame(ob_format frame_format, int width, int height, int stride_bytes, ob_frame_type frame_type, ob_error **error)
Create an empty frame object based on the specified parameters.
void ob_frame_set_system_time_stamp(ob_frame *frame, uint64_t system_timestamp, ob_error **error)
Set the system timestamp of a frame object.
void ob_frameset_push_frame(ob_frame *frameset, ob_frame_type type, ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Add a frame of the specified type to the frameset.
uint64_t ob_frame_global_time_stamp_us(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the global timestamp of the frame in microseconds.
ob_device * ob_frame_get_device(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the device of the frame.
ob_frame * ob_frameset_ir_frame(ob_frame *frameset, ob_error **error)
Get the infrared frame from the frameset.
float ob_points_frame_get_position_value_scale(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the point position value scale of the points frame. The point position value of the points frame ...
float ob_gyro_frame_temperature(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the temperature when acquiring the gyroscope frame.
bool ob_frame_has_metadata(ob_frame *frame, ob_frame_metadata_type type, ob_error **error)
check if the frame contains the specified metadata
uint32_t ob_frameset_frame_count(ob_frame *frameset, ob_error **error)
Get the number of frames contained in the frameset.
ob_gyro_value ob_gyro_frame_value(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get gyroscope frame data.
uint8_t ob_video_frame_pixel_available_bit_size(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the effective number of pixels (such as Y16 format frame, but only the lower 10 bits are effectiv...
uint32_t ob_video_frame_height(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get video frame height.
void * ob_frame_data(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get frame data.
uint64_t ob_frame_index(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the frame index.
uint32_t ob_frame_metadata_size(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the metadata size of the frame.
void ob_delete_frame(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Delete a frame object.
void ob_frame_set_device_time_stamp_us(ob_frame *frame, uint64_t device_timestamp_us, ob_error **error)
Set the device timestamp of a frame object.
ob_frame * ob_frameset_color_frame(ob_frame *frameset, ob_error **error)
Get the color frame from the frameset.
float ob_depth_frame_get_value_scale(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the value scale of the depth frame. The pixel value of the depth frame is multiplied by the scale...
ob_frame * ob_frameset_get_frame_by_index(ob_frame *frameset, int index, ob_error **error)
Get a frame at a specific index from the FrameSet.
uint64_t ob_frame_time_stamp(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the hardware timestamp of the frame in milliseconds.
void ob_frame_set_device_time_stamp(ob_frame *frame, uint64_t device_timestamp, ob_error **error)
Set the device timestamp of a frame object.
ob_sensor * ob_frame_get_sensor(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the sensor of the frame.
ob_frame * ob_create_frameset(ob_error **error)
Create an empty frameset object.
uint64_t ob_frame_time_stamp_us(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the hardware timestamp of the frame in microseconds.
ob_frame * ob_frameset_points_frame(ob_frame *frameset, ob_error **error)
Get point cloud data from the frameset.
float ob_accel_frame_temperature(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the temperature when acquiring the accelerometer frame.
uint32_t ob_frame_data_size(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the frame data size.
ob_accel_value ob_accel_frame_value(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get accelerometer frame data.
ob_format ob_frame_format(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the frame format.
ob_sensor_type ob_ir_frame_get_source_sensor_type(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **ob_error)
Get the source sensor type of the ir frame (left or right for dual camera)
uint64_t ob_frame_system_time_stamp_us(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the system timestamp of the frame in microseconds.
void * ob_frame_metadata(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the metadata of the frame.
uint64_t ob_frame_system_time_stamp(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the system timestamp of the frame in milliseconds.
int64_t ob_frame_get_metadata_value(ob_frame *frame, ob_frame_metadata_type type, ob_error **error)
Get the metadata value of the frame.
ob_frame_type ob_frame_get_type(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the frame type.
ob_frame * ob_create_frame_from_buffer(ob_format frame_format, uint32_t frame_width, uint32_t frame_height, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_size, ob_frame_destroy_callback *buffer_destroy_cb, void *buffer_destroy_context, ob_error **error)
Create a frame object based on an externally created buffer.
ob_frame * ob_frameset_get_frame(ob_frame *frameset, ob_frame_type frame_type, ob_error **error)
Get a frame of a specific type from the frameset.
void ob_frame_add_ref(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Increase the reference count of a frame object.
ob_stream_profile * ob_frame_get_stream_profile(ob_frame *frame, ob_error **error)
Get the stream profile of the frame.
Provide structs commonly used in the SDK, enumerating constant definitions.
struct CFrameImpl ob_frame
struct DeviceImpl ob_device
void() ob_frame_destroy_callback(void *buffer, void *user_data)
Customize the delete callback.
struct SensorImpl ob_sensor
struct StreamProfileImpl ob_stream_profile
enum OBFrameType ob_frame_type
enum OBSensorType ob_sensor_type
Frame metadata types.
Data structures for accelerometers and gyroscopes.
The error class exposed by the SDK, users can get detailed error information according to the error.