93#define ob_enable_multi_device_sync ob_enable_device_clock_sync
void ob_free_idle_memory(ob_context *context, ob_error **error)
Free idle memory from the internal frame memory pool.
void ob_set_logger_callback(ob_log_severity severity, ob_log_callback callback, void *user_data, ob_error **error)
Set the log callback function.
ob_device * ob_create_net_device(ob_context *context, const char *address, uint16_t port, ob_error **error)
Create a network device object.
ob_context * ob_create_context_with_config(const char *config_path, ob_error **error)
Create a context object with a specified configuration file.
void ob_set_logger_to_console(ob_log_severity severity, ob_error **error)
Set the log output to the console.
void ob_load_license(const char *filePath, const char *key, ob_error **error)
Load a license file.
void ob_set_logger_severity(ob_log_severity severity, ob_error **error)
Set the global log level.
ob_device_list * ob_query_device_list(ob_context *context, ob_error **error)
Get a list of enumerated devices.
ob_context * ob_create_context(ob_error **error)
Create a context object.
void ob_set_uvc_backend(ob_context *context, ob_uvc_backend uvc_backend, ob_error **error)
Set the UVC backend for the specified context This function configures the Universal Video Class (UVC...
void ob_set_logger_to_file(ob_log_severity severity, const char *directory, ob_error **error)
Set the log output to a file.
void ob_load_license_from_data(const char *data, uint32_t dataLen, const char *key, ob_error **error)
Load a license from data.
void ob_set_device_changed_callback(ob_context *context, ob_device_changed_callback callback, void *user_data, ob_error **error)
Set a device plug-in callback function.
void ob_delete_context(ob_context *context, ob_error **error)
Delete a context object.
void ob_enable_device_clock_sync(ob_context *context, uint64_t repeatInterval, ob_error **error)
Activates device clock synchronization to synchronize the clock of the host and all created devices (...
void ob_enable_net_device_enumeration(ob_context *context, bool enable, ob_error **error)
Enable or disable network device enumeration.
Provide structs commonly used in the SDK, enumerating constant definitions.
void(* ob_device_changed_callback)(ob_device_list *removed, ob_device_list *added, void *user_data)
Callback for device change.
struct DeviceImpl ob_device
enum UVC_BACKEND ob_uvc_backend
enum OBLogSeverity ob_log_severity
void() ob_log_callback(ob_log_severity severity, const char *message, void *user_data)
Callback for receiving log.
struct DeviceListImpl ob_device_list
struct ContextImpl ob_context
The error class exposed by the SDK, users can get detailed error information according to the error.