This is a depth guide to get depth stream and depth image by using the Orbbec SDK C API.
Pipeline is a pipeline for processing data streams, providing multi-channel stream configuration, switching, frame aggregation, and frame synchronization functions.
Frameset is a combination of different types of Frames.
Depth_frame is one of the frames in frameset, it contains the frames’s esolution information and depth data.
Create the pipeline instance using the default configuration and create a config instance to enable or disable the streams.
// Used to return SDK interface error information.
ob_error *error = NULL;
// Create a pipeline object to manage the streams.
ob_pipeline *pipeline = ob_create_pipeline(&error);
// Crete a config object to configure the pipeline streams.
ob_config *config = ob_create_config(&error);
enable the depth stream, and then start the pipeline.
// enable depth stream with default stream profile.
ob_config_enable_stream(config, OB_STREAM_DEPTH, &error);
// Start Pipeline with the configured streams.
ob_pipeline_start_with_config(pipeline, config, &error);
Get the frameset from pipeline, and get the depth frame from frameset.
// Wait for a frameset, timeout after 1000 milliseconds.
const ob_frame *frameset = ob_pipeline_wait_for_frameset(pipeline, 1000, &error);
// If no frameset is available with in the timeout, continue waiting.
if(frameset == NULL) {
// Get the depth frame from frameset。
const ob_frame *depth_frame = ob_frameset_get_depth_frame(frameset, &error);
Print the distance of the center pixel every 30 frames to reduce output.
if(index % 30 == 0) {
// Get the width of the depth frame.
uint32_t width = ob_video_frame_get_width(depth_frame, &error);
// Get the height of the depth frame.
uint32_t height = ob_video_frame_get_height(depth_frame, &error);
// Get the scale of the depth frame.
float scale = ob_depth_frame_get_value_scale(depth_frame, &error);
// Get the data of the depth frame, cast to uint16_t* to access the pixels directly for Y16 format.
uint16_t *data = (uint16_t *)ob_frame_get_data(depth_frame, &error);
// pixel value multiplied by scale is the actual distance value in millimeters
float center_distance = data[width * height / 2 + width / 2] * scale;
// attention: if the distance is 0, it means that the depth camera cannot detect the object(may be out of detection range)
printf("Facing an object at a distance of %.3f mm away.\n", center_distance);
ob_pipeline_stop(pipeline, &error);
If you are on Windows, you can switch to the directory OrbbecSDK-dev/build/win_XX/bin
to find the ob_depth_c.exe
If you are on linux, you can switch to the directory OrbbecSDK-dev/build/linux_XX/bin
to find the ob_depth_c
Press ‘ESC’ key to stop the pipeline and exit the program.