
C++ Sample: 4.misc.metadata


Use the SDK interface to get the frameSet, then get the frame from frameSet, print the value of the frame metadata and exit the program using the ESC_KEY key.


Pipeline is a pipeline for processing data streams, providing multi-channel stream configuration, switching, frame aggregation, and frame synchronization functions.

Frameset is a combination of different types of Frames.

Metadata is used to describe the various properties and states of a frame.

Code overview

  1. Create an ob::Pipeline object, and start the pipeline.

     // Create a pipeline.
     ob::Pipeline pipe;
     // Start the pipeline with default config.
     // Modify the default configuration by the configuration file: "OrbbecSDKConfig.xml"
  2. Get frameSet from pipeline.

     // Wait for frameSet from the pipeline, the default timeout is 1000ms.
     auto frameSet   = pipe.waitForFrameset();
  3. Get frame from frameSet.

     auto frameCount = frameSet->getCount();
     for(uint32_t i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
         // Get the frame from frameSet
         auto frame = frameSet->getFrame(i);
  4. Check if the frame object contains metadata, then retrieve it.

     // Get the metadata of the frame
     for(uint32_t j = 0; j < static_cast<uint32_t>(metadataCount); j++) {
         // If the frame has the metadata, get the metadata value
         if(frame->hasMetadata(static_cast<OBFrameMetadataType>(j))) {
             std::cout << "metadata type: " << std::left << std::setw(50) << metadataTypeMap[j]
                       << " metadata value: " << frame->getMetadataValue(static_cast<OBFrameMetadataType>(j)) << std::endl;
  5. Stop pipeline

     // Stop the Pipeline, no frame data will be generated

Run Sample

Press the Esc key in the window to exit the program.

