
C++ Sample: 1.stream.infrared


Use the SDK interface to obtain the camera IR stream and display it in the window


Pipeline is a pipeline for processing data streams, providing multi-channel stream configuration, switching, frame aggregation, and frame synchronization functions.

code overview

  1. Configure IR sensor related information and enable the IR stream.You must configure this before calling pipe.start().

         // Get the device from pipeline.
         std::shared_ptr<ob::Device> device = pipe.getDevice();
         // Get the sensor list from device.
         std::shared_ptr<ob::SensorList> sensorList = device->getSensorList();
         // Create a config for pipeline.
         std::shared_ptr<ob::Config> config = std::make_shared<ob::Config>();
         for(uint32_t index = 0; index < sensorList->getCount(); index++) {
             // Query all supported infrared sensor type and enable the infrared stream.
             // For dual infrared device, enable the left and right infrared streams.
             // For single infrared device, enable the infrared stream.
             OBSensorType sensorType = sensorList->getSensorType(index);
             if(sensorType == OB_SENSOR_IR || sensorType == OB_SENSOR_IR_LEFT || sensorType == OB_SENSOR_IR_RIGHT) {
                 // Enable the stream with specified profile;
                 config->enableVideoStream(sensorType, OB_WIDTH_ANY, OB_HEIGHT_ANY, 30, OB_FORMAT_ANY);
  2. Open the window and output the IR stream

         ob_smpl::CVWindow win("Infrared", 1280, 720, ob_smpl::ARRANGE_ONE_ROW);
         while(win.run()) {
         // Wait for up to 100ms for a frameset in blocking mode.
             auto frameSet = pipe.waitForFrameset(100);
             if(frameSet == nullptr) {
         // Render a set of frame in the window.

Run Sample

Press the Esc key in the window to exit the program.

