
Services of orbbec_camera_node

This document describes the services of orbbec_camera_node. Before using those services, please make sure the orbbec_camera_node is running.


We have list all the services of orbbec_camera_node here. But different devices may have different services supported. Please refer to the description of the device you are using, witch can be found in the orbbec_camera/launch directory.

For example: the description of Orbbec Gemini 2 device is here: orbbec_camera/launch/gemini2_desc.md.

The name of the following service already expresses its function. However, it should be noted that the corresponding set_[ir|depth|color]_xxx and get_[ir|depth|color]_xxx **services are only available if you set ** enable[ir|depth|color] to true in the stream that corresponds to the argument of the launch file.

service description srv
/camera/get_sdk_version get the version of Orbbec SDK orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetString
/camera/get_device_info get device info(pid, serial number, firmware version, etc.) orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetDeviceInfo
/camera/get_auto_white_balance get the auto white balance status of the color camera std_srvs/srv/GetBool
/camera/set_auto_white_balance set the auto white balance status of the color camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/get_white_balance get the white balance value of the color camera orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32
/camera/set_white_balance set the white balance value of the color camera orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32
/camera/set_color_auto_exposure set the auto exposure status of the color camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/get_color_exposure get the exposure value of the color camera, unit: 100us orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32
/camera/set_color_exposure set the exposure value of the color camera, unit: 100us; set the auto exposure status of the color camera to false first orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32
/camera/get_color_gain get the color gain value of the color camera orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32
/camera/set_color_gain set the color gain value of the color camera orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32
/camera/set_depth_auto_exposure set the auto exposure status of the depth camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/get_depth_exposure get the exposure value of the depth camera, unit: 100us orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32
/camera/set_depth_exposure set the exposure value of the depth camera, unit: 100us; set the auto exposure status of the depth camera to false first orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32
/camera/get_depth_gain get the depth gain value of the depth camera orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32
/camera/set_depth_gain set the gain value of the depth camera orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32
/camera/set_ir_auto_exposure set the auto exposure status of the infrared camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/get_ir_exposure get the exposure value of the infrared camera, unit: 100us orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32
/camera/set_ir_exposure set the exposure value of the infrared camera, unit: 100us; set the auto exposure status of the depth camera to false first orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32
/camera/get_ir_gain get the gain value of the infrared camera orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32
/camera/set_ir_gain set the gain value of the infrared camera orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32
/camera/set_fan_work_mode set the fan work mode orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/SetInt32
/camera/set_laser_enable set the laser to on(true) or off(false) std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/set_floor_enable set the floor lamp to on(true) or off(false) std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/set_ldp_enable set the ldp to enable(true) or disable(false) std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/get_ldp_status Get the trigger state of the laser protection. When the state is true, the protection function is turned on, and the laser will be forced to turn off std_srvs/srv/GetBool
/camera/toggle_color enable/disable the color camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/toggle_depth enable/disable the depth camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool
/camera/toggle_ir enable/disable the infrared camera std_srvs/srv/SetBool


For comprehensive guidance on the service, please refer to the official ROS2 Services Wiki.

Quick Reference Commands

Get SDK Version


ros2 service call /camera/get_sdk_version orbbec_camera_msgs/GetString "{}"


orbbec_camera_msgs.srv.GetString_Response(data='{\n  "firmware_version": "1.4.45",\n  "ob_sdk_version": "1.9.1",\n  "ros_sdk_version": "1.4.3",\n  "supported_min_sdk_version": "1.0.1"\n}', success=True, message='')

Get Device Info


ros2 service call /camera/get_device_info orbbec_camera_msgs/GetDeviceInfo "{}"


orbbec_camera_msgs.srv.GetDeviceInfo_Response(info=orbbec_camera_msgs.msg.DeviceInfo(...), success=True, message='')

Set Auto White Balance


ros2 service call /camera/set_auto_white_balance std_srvs/SetBool "{data: true}"


std_srvs.srv.SetBool_Response(success=True, message='')

Get Auto White Balance


ros2 service call /camera/get_auto_white_balance orbbec_camera_msgs/srv/GetInt32 "{}"


orbbec_camera_msgs.srv.GetInt32_Response(data=1, success=True, message='')

Set White Balance


ros2 service call /camera/set_white_balance orbbec_camera_msgs/SetInt32 "{data: 500}"


orbbec_camera_msgs.srv.SetInt32_Response(success=True, message='')

Get White Balance


ros2 service call /camera/get_white_balance orbbec_camera_msgs/GetInt32 "{}"


orbbec_camera_msgs.srv.GetInt32_Response(data=500, success=True, message='')