
launch file parameters

This document describes the parameters of launch file for orbbec_camera_node.

1.Predefined Launch file

We have provided many predefined launch file for different device on orbbec_camera/launch directory. You can use it directly or modify it to fit your device.

Using predefined launch file to launch the orbbec_camera_node:

ros2 launch orbbec_camera gemini2.launch.py
# replace to other predefined launch file or your customized launch file for your device


We have list all supported parameters here, but different device may have different supported parameters. If you want modify the predefined launch file, or create a new launch file for your device, please refer to the predefined launch file and the description doc of you device to ensure what parameters can be used and what value can be set.

For example: the description of Orbbec Gemini 2 device is here: orbbec_camera/launch/gemini2_desc.md.

2.1 Global parameters

  1. camera_name The name of the camera. In fact it is use as the namespace of the node,therefor we can launch multiple node for different device without conflict. attention: Change this parameter will change the namespace of the node, we should use the right namespace to access the node. More info please refer to ROS namespace.

  2. log_level Use to set the log level for the Orbbec SDK. Orbbec SDK is the base library of the camera driver and it will output the log to the console and file. The log level can be set to debug, info, warn, error, fatal.

2.2 Device parameters

Device parameters is used to set which device to connect. You can try to run libusb command or run ros2 run orbbec_camera list_devices_node to get those info of your device.

  1. vendor_id The vendor id of the device. For orbbec camera, the vendor id is always 0x02bc5.

  2. product_id The product id of the device. If you don’t want to use this parameter to control which device to connect, you can set it to’0x0000’ or empty.

  3. serial_number The serial number of the device. If you don’t want to use this parameter to control which device to connect, you can set it to empty.

  4. usb_port The usb port of the device. It is the id of your physical usb port, it will not be changed every time you re-plug-in your device. If you don’t want to use this parameter to control which device to connect, you can set it to empty.

2.3 Camera parameters

The camera parameters is used to control the camera stream. Include the enabled/disabled of the camera, the resolution, fps, format, etc. Different devices support different camera types and parameters, please choose the appropriate parameters according to your actual situation. You can run ros2 run orbbec_camera list_camera_profile_mode_node to get the supported camera types and parameters of your device and the support the resolution, fps and format of each camera type.

  1. enable_[color|depth|ir] Boolean, Enables/disables the color, depth or ir camera.

  2. [color|depth|ir]_width Integer, The width of the color, depth or ir image,uint: pixel.

  3. [color|depth|ir]_height Integer, The height of the color, depth or ir image,uint: pixel.

  4. [color|depth|ir]_fps Integer, The fps of the color, depth or ir image, unit: fps(frame per second).

  5. [color|depth|ir]_format String, The format of the color, depth or ir image. eg: Y16, Y8, RGB, MJPG, etc.

  6. [color|depth|ir]_qos ROS2 Message quality of service of the color, depth or ir image.

  7. [color|depth|ir]_camera_info_qos ROS2 Message quality of service of the color, depth or ir camera info.

  8. [color|ir]_auto_exposure Boolean, enables/disables the auto exposure of the color or ir camera. The ir and depth is the same physical sensor, so the auto exposure of ir and depth is the same.

2.4 pointcloud parameters

  1. enable_point_cloud Boolean, enables/disables the the publish of point cloud.

  2. enable_colored_point_cloud Boolean, enables/disables the colored point cloud. Set enable_point_cloud to true first.

  3. depth_registration Boolean, enables/disables the hardware alignment the depth frame to color frame. This field is required when the enable_colored_point_cloud is set to true.

  4. point_cloud_qos ROS2 Message quality of service of the point cloud.

2.5 IMU parameters

  1. enable_accel Enables the accelerometer.

  2. accel_rate The sample rate of the accelerometer, unit: Hz. The specific value depends on the current camera.

  3. accel_range The measuring range of the accelerometer. The specific value depends on the current camera.

  4. enable_gyro Enables the gyroscope.

  5. gyro_rate The sample rate of the gyroscope, unit: Hz. The specific value

  6. gyro_range The measuring range of the gyroscope. The specific value depends on the current camera.

2.6 Multiple device synchronization parameters

As the multiple device synchronization is a very difficult feature, please read the product manual to connect multiple devices and ensure the correctness of the parameters.


  2. depth_delay_us The delay time of the depth image capture after receiving the capture command or trigger signal in microseconds.

  3. color_delay_us The delay time of the color image capture after receiving the capture command or trigger signal in microseconds.

  4. trigger2image_delay_us The delay time of the image capture after receiving the capture command or trigger signal in microseconds.

  5. trigger_out_enabled Enables/disables the trigger signal output.

  6. trigger_out_delay_us The delay time of the trigger signal output after receiving the capture command or trigger signal in microseconds.

2.7 Others

  1. publish_tf Boolean, enables/disables the publish of transforms.

  2. tf_publish_rate Double, the rate of the publish of dynamic transforms, unit: Hz. The publish_tf should be set to true first. If tf_publish_rate set to 0, the static transforms will be published.

  3. enable_frame_sync Boolean, enables/disables the frame synchronization between different type images.

  4. enable_publish_extrinsic Boolean, enables/disables the publish of extrinsic parameters.

  5. enable_ldp Boolean, enables/disables the laser protection. After enable this feature, the laser will be turned off when the object is too close to the device.

  6. depth_work_mode String, the depth work mode of the camera. Run ros2 run orbbec_camera list_depth_work_mode_node to get the supported depth work modes of your device.

  7. enable_soft_filter Boolean, enables/disables the soft filter of depth image.

  8. soft_filter_max_diff Integer, parameter of the soft filter. Please keep the default value.

  9. soft_filter_speckle_size Integer, parameter of the soft filter. Please keep the default value.