100 uint32_t target_color_camera_height,
ob_error **error);
Provide structs commonly used in the SDK, enumerating constant definitions.
struct CFrameImpl ob_frame
struct DeviceImpl ob_device
enum OBSensorType ob_sensor_type
bool transformation_init_xy_tables(const ob_calibration_param calibration_param, const ob_sensor_type sensor_type, float *data, uint32_t *data_size, ob_xy_tables *xy_tables, ob_error **error)
Init transformation tables.
bool ob_calibration_2d_to_2d(const ob_calibration_param calibration_param, const ob_point2f source_point2f, const float source_depth_pixel_value, const ob_sensor_type source_sensor_type, const ob_sensor_type target_sensor_type, ob_point2f *target_point2f, ob_error **error)
Transform a 2d pixel coordinate with an associated depth value of the source camera into a 2d pixel c...
void transformation_depth_to_pointcloud(ob_xy_tables *xy_tables, const void *depth_image_data, void *pointcloud_data, ob_error **error)
Transform depth image to point cloud data.
bool ob_calibration_2d_to_3d(const ob_calibration_param calibration_param, const ob_point2f source_point2f, const float source_depth_pixel_value, const ob_sensor_type source_sensor_type, const ob_sensor_type target_sensor_type, ob_point3f *target_point3f, ob_error **error)
Transform a 2d pixel coordinate with an associated depth value of the source camera into a 3d point o...
void transformation_depth_to_rgbd_pointcloud(ob_xy_tables *xy_tables, const void *depth_image_data, const void *color_image_data, void *pointcloud_data, ob_error **error)
Transform depth image to point cloud data.
bool ob_calibration_3d_to_3d(const ob_calibration_param calibration_param, const ob_point3f source_point3f, const ob_sensor_type source_sensor_type, const ob_sensor_type target_sensor_type, ob_point3f *target_point3f, ob_error **error)
Transform a 3d point of a source coordinate system into a 3d point of the target coordinate system.
bool ob_calibration_2d_to_3d_undistortion(const ob_calibration_param calibration_param, const ob_point2f source_point2f, const float source_depth_pixel_value, const ob_sensor_type source_sensor_type, const ob_sensor_type target_sensor_type, ob_point3f *target_point3f, ob_error **error)
Transform a 2d pixel coordinate with an associated depth value of the source camera into a 3d point o...
ob_frame * transformation_depth_frame_to_color_camera(ob_device *device, ob_frame *depth_frame, uint32_t target_color_camera_width, uint32_t target_color_camera_height, ob_error **error)
Transforms the depth frame into the geometry of the color camera.
bool ob_calibration_3d_to_2d(const ob_calibration_param calibration_param, const ob_point3f source_point3f, const ob_sensor_type source_sensor_type, const ob_sensor_type target_sensor_type, ob_point2f *target_point2f, ob_error **error)
Transform a 3d point of a source coordinate system into a 2d pixel coordinate of the target camera.
2D point structure in the SDK
3D point structure in the SDK
The error class exposed by the SDK, users can get detailed error information according to the error.